
All about Regular expression in javascript

Introduction JavaScript Regular Expressions (Regex) is a powerful tool that allows developers to match patterns in strings, making it a versatile tool for searching, replacing, and validating text. With a bit of knowledge about Regular Expressions, developers can significantly improve their code's efficiency and functionality. In this blog, we'll cover everything you need to know about JavaScript Regular Expressions.     What are Regular Expressions? A Regular Expression, or regex, is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. It's commonly used in programming to find and manipulate text. Regular expressions can be used to search, replace, and validate text based on patterns. Creating a Regular Expression In JavaScript, regular expressions can be created using the RegExp constructor or by using the regular expression literal notation (a forward slash enclosing the pattern).javascriptCopy code // Using RegExp constructor const pattern = new RegExp('hello...

Introduction to JavaScript: Functions

  Functions are required to make our code ‘run’. Functions will take data, compute it, and return the computed data. All code that is ‘run’ in JavaScript is run inside of a function. At the end of this article, you should be able to: Understand JavaScript functions, why we use them, and be able to write correct function syntax. Write and call functions using arguments and parameters. Explain function scope and the return statement. Requirements Introduction to JavaScript: Basics Introduction to JavaScript: Control Flow Learn Learn to understand JavaScript functions, why we use them, and be able to write correct function syntax. Introduction to Functions Now that we have the basics of JavaScript down, data types, conditional statements, and variables, we need functions to compute them, change them, and do something with them. We can think of functions as small computer programs. Functions are required to get our code to ‘run’ in JavaScript. Although you may not realize it, you have ...

Introduction to JavaScript: Control Flow

  Often times we want our program to act differently based on the information supplied to it. This is known as control flow, and is an integral part of software development. At the end of this article, you should be able to: understand and be able to use different operators. write control flow using if/else statements. write a basic for loop. Requirements Introduction to JavaScript: Basics Learn Learn to understand and be able to use different operators. Overview Operators allow software developers to compare variables and enable programs to make decisions about control flow. In order to understand control flow, we must first understand some basic operators. Undefined and Null There are a couple of JavaScript objects that don’t really fit into any type. Those are the values   undefined   and   null . You will get   undefined   when you are looking for something that does not exist like a variable that does not have a value yet.   undefined   simpl...